Ten Proven Herbs and Plants that Help in Natural Anal Fissure Healing

By | July 1, 2017

Anal fissure is a condition where the skin in and around the anus break or tear, causing pain and burning during bowel movements. Though not necessarily an illness in itself, anal fissures are usually caused by the constant passing of hard stools and may also result from other health problems that cause the skin around the anus to corrode. These problems may include frequent diarrhea, bacterial vaginosis, anal fistulas, and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Most cases of anal fissures are easily curable through proper medication. Sometimes, surgery may also be in order if the fissures are severe and there is bleeding. Treatments for anal fissure include a range of antibiotics for infected fissures, topical creams, sitz baths, and suppositories. There are also some herbs and plants that are known to help relieve pain or discomfort and promote faster healing of the fissures.

Below is a list of ten medically proven herbal remedies:

Witch Hazel

The most recommended remedy for anal or perianal problems including hemorrhoids and fistulas. It helps relieve itching, burning, and swelling of the tissues, thereby reducing pain and discomfort during bowel movements. It can also reduce the bleeding because of its natural skin-tightening properties.


Known more commonly as pot marigolds, calendula is a proven miracle worker for many kinds of skin disorders. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help speed up natural healing of wounds, ulcers, and other skin tears like anal fissures. It also has an anti-spasmodic property that helps relax muscles spasms, which is why calendula can effectively reduce pain and rectal spasms during bowel movements.

Aloe Vera

Known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, aloe vera is one of the most widely-used herbal remedy for skin disorders. It can speed up the healing of fissures by hydrating the cracked or fissured skin so it regains its normal elasticity. This makes the passing of stool less painful and reduces further injury to the skin.


This thousand-year old remedy is most widely known for its calming and soothing effects. It is used for many health problems including skin disorders like eczema. Likewise, its application can be beneficial for those suffering from anal fissures. It effectively soothes itching and burning around the fissures and provides moisturization to improve skin elasticity and healing.

Horse Chestnut

Not only good for hemorrhoids and varicosities, the horse chestnut plant can also relieve burning and itching of fissures. It also reduces swelling of the fissured skin to reduce pain. However, the processing of its healing extracts must be done professionally or knowledgably because the plant itself also contains certain amounts of a poisonous substance called esculin.

Wheat Germ

Aside from its anti-inflammatory property that helps relieve itching and swelling, wheat germ can also speed up healing because of its high content of B-vitamins, as well as vitamin E, which both promote tissue repair.


This flower is part of the sunflower family and has been long used for treating some of the common illnesses like fever and flu. It is also an effective topical treatment for skin issues like rashes and fissures. It relieves itching and prevents further scathing or cracking of the affected skin.

Olive Oil

This multi-purpose plant oil can be used as an emollient to help soften stool so the passage becomes less painful and lessen further damage to the fissured skin. It also moisturizes the skin to help improve elasticity.

Acai Berry

This heart-healthy fruit is also known to promote better skin health. It is used along with other plants and herbs to improve the healing rate of fissures, rashes, and other skin irritations. It has high levels of anti-oxidants that help speed up tissue repair and strengthening.

Stone Root

Although stone root is disliked for its unpleasant smell, it is still a helpful remedy for fissures when used with the other plants like calendula to maximize the healing rate of fissures and ulcers. Stone root protects the skin from further irritations and helps reduce swelling.

Each of these plants and herbs can work well on their own, but they are better used in combinations to provide better results. The key is to study how to use them properly first before any application.