How to manage painful anal fissures while pregnant and after childbirth?

By | July 1, 2017

Pregnancy is already a delicate situation to begin with. Pregnant women have to be careful with what they eat and what medicines they take. They also have to stay healthy so as not to catch any sicknesses that may adversely affect the unborn in their womb. Pregnant women with anal fissures have to take double precaution.

An anal fissure is a crack, tear or ulcer in the anal canal or anus. This is usually caused by decreased blood flow to the area, straining during childbirth, constipation and inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease. In rarer cases, it can also be caused by cancer, tuberculosis, HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and herpes.

The common signs and symptoms of anal fissures are the following: (1) skin tag or lump in the skin next to the tear, (2) a tear in the skin of the anus, (3) sharp pain highlighted during bowel movements, (4) blood in the stool or on the wipes after wiping, (5) itching around the area, and (6) burning around the area.

As stated above, strain during childbirth is one of the causes of anal fissures. Pregnant women would often ask, ‘how to manage painful anal fissures while pregnant and after childbirth?

The following are some steps a pregnant woman could take to relieve themselves of the signs and symptoms of anal fissures:

  • Hydrate

Hydration is a must to prevent constipation.

  • Chow down fiber

Intake of food with lots of fiber is also a good way to manage anal fissures during pregnancy. Fiber improves bowel movement. The following are some foods with fiber: carrots, oats, raspberries, bell peppers, flax seeds, chia seeds, brown rice, barley, lentils, artichokes, green peas, black beans, blackberries, avocado and pears.

  • Good hygiene

Good hygiene is also essential to manage anal fissures. Wash the area at least two times a day or when needed. Use mild soaps. Harsh chemicals can further irritate the area.  Doctors advise to do the Sitz Bath. This is the type of bath where the individual soaks himself in a tub of warm water. The warm water will relax the muscles of the area. It will also increase the blood flow towards the anal area.

  • Avoid eating ‘sharp food’

Avoid eating ‘sharp’ food like tortilla chips, peanuts and popcorn

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  • Medication

The following are some medications for anal fissures:

  • Steroids and Anesthetics

Pregnant women suffering from anal fissures can apply topical anesthetics like pramoxine, xylocaine, tetracaine and lidocaine over the area to reduce the pain.

  • Botulinum Toxin

Also known as botox, botlulinum toxin is injected into the anal area to paralyze the muscles of the anal area. It also promotes the healing of the area.

  • Lateral Sphincterotomy

This is the procedure wherein the internal anal sphincter is cut out the fissure. If the fissure is irregular and hard, the tissue must be sent for biopsy for anal cancer.

The aforementioned is the answer to the question ‘how to manage painful anal fissures while pregnant and after childbirth?’ It must be emphasized however that pregnant women must first consult their obgyn before taking any medication.