Best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people

Debunking 4 Myths About Anal Fissures One of the most important parts in find out the best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people is to learn what anal fissures truly are. Since it is one of the more neglected medical conditions out there, there have been many misconceptions about anal… Read More »

Best ways to heal anal fissures in preschool kids

Anal fissures are not particularly choosing over which age of a person they would start to develop. In the case of pre-school children, fissures are particularly difficult as children have yet to develop a tolerance for pain and other unbearable sensations as adults. Fortunately, anal fissures are highly treatable regardless of age. Before you can… Read More »

Best ways to heal anal fissures in newborn breastfed babies

Constipation is not common in newborns. Breastfed babies usually pass soft stools three or four times a day. Between a baby who is breastfed and a baby who is formula-fed, the latter is more prone to constipation. The colostrum in breastmilk acts as a laxative, which helps soften the baby’s stools. Formula-fed babies may be… Read More »

Do drugs like weed and cocaine makes anal fissures worse?

Anal fissures refer to cracks or tears in the anus and in the lining of the anal canal. An anal fissure is not life-threatening, but if left untreated may cause severe pain, constipation, and discomfort. This condition may occur at any age. Though, it is more common among the young and middle-aged adults. Trauma or… Read More »

Are stress, depression, anxiety and fatigue related to anal fissures?

Anal fissures are cracks or tears in the lining of the anal canal and anus. Young and middle-aged adults usually experience this anal condition. It may also occur in infants and the elderly. These fissures can be painful and irritating, especially during or after a bowel movement. Other symptoms include bleeding, itching, and painful urination.… Read More »

What are the signs of anal fissures and symptoms of rectal ulcers?

The most obvious sign that you’re actually suffering from anal fissures is that there’s pain during bowel movement, specifically at or around the anus. This pain might linger for hours. So, bowel movement becomes a difficult and traumatic experience because of this. The presence of blood on the stool or on toilet paper (after wiping,… Read More »

Best prescription and over the counter medications for anal fissures

Prescriptions and medications vary depending on what the healthcare provider wants to prioritize in terms of treatment. They usually employ a two-pronged approach – treat constipation using lifestyle and diet changes while relieving the pain through pills or topical treatments – to resolve anal fissures. In relieving constipation, there are two drugs that stand out:… Read More »

Does Ayurveda, homeopathy and meditation provide relief for anal fissures?

Yes, these alternative treatments can bring relief to a patient who has anal fissures. How exactly? Read on to find out. Ayurveda is a traditional medical treatment system developed about 3,000 years ago. Those who practice Ayurveda believe that a person must have the correct balance in mind, body, and spirit – and to achieve… Read More »

Does auriculotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure provide relief for anal fissures?

The use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been the subject of many discussions regarding anal fissures treatment. Many people turn to alternative methods to alleviate intense and chronic pains due to anal fissures. Does auriculotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure provide relief for anal fissures? To find the answer, it is essential to look at this… Read More »