Is it OK to go swimming if I suffer from anal fissure?

By | July 1, 2017

Not being able to do the things you love can be depressing. Even more, having an anal fissure that is painful and irritating can mess with your daily activities.

An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anal canal and the anus. Its common causes are injuries or trauma to the anus caused by childbirth, anal intercourse, rectal exam, or insertion of a foreign object.

Symptoms may include irritation or itching around the anus, pain, and bleeding during bowel movements.

Its treatment varies. Some people with mild fissure may not need any medical treatment while some may need a surgical intervention.

Usually, patients with acute fissures or those with this condition for less than 6 weeks benefit more from medical treatments. Those with chronic fissure are the ones usually scheduled for anal surgery.

To prevent constipation, patients with acute fissure are recommended to have a high-fiber diet, increase oral fluid intake, and increase physical activity. A sitz bath will also help improve circulation and healing of the affected area.

Topical medications like Nitroglycerin ointment and Nefidipine may also be prescribed to lessen pressure inside the anal canal. A botulinum toxin may also be injected to a person to paralyze the internal anal sphincter.

If these treatments fail, surgery to relax the internal anal sphincter may be performed next.

One of the most frequent questions patients ask is if it is okay for them to go swimming. Physicians would normally say yes.

In fact, swimming is a good exercise to keep you healthy and fit. Exercise will also help you to move your bowels faster.

There are things you need to watch out for though. If you’re bleeding or in pain, it’s probably best to postpone swimming until pain or bleeding has subsided.

Take note also of the following reminders:

  • Avoid soaking in hot springs if you’re bleeding. The heat from the water will cause your blood vessels to dilate, which can only make you bleed more.
  • Be cautious about the cleanliness of the water prior to dipping into it. Bodies of water like wild rivers may be contaminated with animal wastes.
  • Take a shower after swimming, especially if you’ve swam in a chlorinated pool.
  • After swimming, pat dry anal area with a clean towel or use a hair-drier. Avoid using alcohol-based to wipe your anus since it can cause further skin irritation.

If you have just undergone anal surgery, it is best to limit your activities within the first week to ease wound healing. You may also need to postpone doing strenuous activities after 30 days.

Engage in light exercises like walking and swimming to help you move your bowels easier.

Remember to take your oral antibiotic or use your topical antibiotic as prescribed.

Take your pain medications as needed. Some pain meds may cause you to feel drowsy though. So, take extra cautious when you are swimming in lakes or rivers.

Applying soothing cream and ointments to your anus may also help relieve pain.

Take a hot bath and soak for at least twenty minutes three times a day.

Even if you have anal fissure, you can still do the things you love. Ask your doctor for further advise.