Anal fissure is a small tear on the lining of the anus. If stated analogically, it is similar to the tear on a person’s mouth that is caused by a freezing weather. The lining of the anus or the rectal area is not elastic enough to adjust to too much pressure. This being said, in cases like when a person is experiencing hard bowel movement due to constipation, too much pressure is placed in the muscle on the anus that pushes the feces called the anal sphincter muscle. This results to a tear on the lining of the anus. The similar thing happens when a person is having a diarrhea. Subsequent defecation takes place and this puts pressure to the anal sphincter muscle.
A majority people who experienced this condition do not need to undergo a surgery. This is because the anal fissures could either heal by itself or be treated with different appropriate ointments and healing oils through direct application on the wound. There are a lot of manufactured antibiotics, medicated creams and ointments for the treatment of this condition. However, it is always better to try and use natural methods to ensure that there will be no side effects from different chemicals.
What are the natural treatments for anal fissures? Fortunately, there are several remedies for this condition. In order for the wound or fissure to heal faster, it is better if the patient keeps the anus and area between the buttocks always clean and dry. This will make the wound breathe and dry itself, which will make the healing faster. In maintaining the rectal area dry, use a cotton towel and pat dry instead of wiping the anus. Wiping it with a towel could tear the fissure deeper. A warm bath will also be helpful in treating anal fissures. The warm water promotes healing if done fifteen to twenty minutes daily.
In addition, the treatment for this condition is not only limited to external remedies. Internal treatment could also be possible such as taking over the counter medicines that could help soften the stool. This way, the anal sphincter muscle will not be pressured and the healing could continue properly. Drinking more fluids could also certainly helps for the reason that water could cleanse the body and the food that we take; therefore the bowel movement could be improved.
In terms of the digestion process, people who are experiencing this condition must eat a considerable amount of fibrous foods such as raw fruits and vegetables. Eating enough fiber will aid in better digestion, which is necessary for anal fissure patients.
Furthermore, there is a known remedy for this that is made of natural ingredients. This healing oil is known as the H-Fissure oil. It is applied at least three times a day through direct application using clean cotton. This remedy is made up of natural extracts from plants that are known in helping in the healing process of wounds. It is highly recommended for people who are experiencing anal fissures.