The Link Between Food Hypersensitivity and Anal Fissures

By | July 1, 2017

What is Anal Fissure?

Anal fissure is a small rent in the the anal canal. This condition induces pain during bowel movements. In most cases, anal fissures can heal within 8 to 12 weeks only by home treatment. Cases like this is called acute anal fissure. These fissures do not usually lead to more complex problems.

What is Food Hypersensitivity?

Food hypersensitivity is a broad term referring to both food intolerance and food allergy. This is a condition in which the gut adversely reacts to certain foods or food additive and compounds.

The symptoms of food hypersensitivity manifest in at least one body organ.

  • Food Intolerance

Food intolerance is more chronic but less noticeable than food allergy. This is caused by organic chemicals present in foods. Natural and artificial ingredients may produce detrimental reactions to people depending on their sensitivity.

The symptoms of food intolerance are sometimes mistaken as those of food allergy. They vary widely and cover a broad range. They include skin problems, respiratory ailments, and digestive disorders.

  • Food Allergy

Food allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to food. This is usually triggered by protein. Protein induces the release of inflammatory chemicals. Other factors include genetics, excessive cleanliness, and lack of vitamin D.

The symptoms include itchiness, dizziness, vomiting, and trouble breathing. The symptoms usually manifest within minutes to hours of food consumption or exposure.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptoms of anal fissure are usually covert. It is usually detected when a person complains about pain during bowel movements. Bleeding and itching are also one of the symptoms. Take note that the blood is not with the stool. Anal fissures sometimes remain as painless wound.

Here are the most common ways of diagnosing anal fissures:

  • Manual Buttocks Evaluation

This is the most basic way of diagnostic done by doctors. This is done by separating the butt to check if there is a fissure.

  • Digital Rectal Exam

This exam is usually conducted for men as a part of a physical examination of the prostate gland.

This is done by inserting the gloved hand of the doctor in the anal canal. However, this can be too painful for some. If this is the case, other less painful types of diagnosis are used instead.

  • Anoscopy

Anoscopy is a test that uses anoscope (anal speculum) – a rigid, lighted tubular device. Anoscope is inserted several inches into the anus to observe the anal canal. This method can detect not just anal fissures but other bowel-related disorders as well.

The Link Between Food Hypersensitivity and Anal Fissures

Excreting large stool, repeated diarrhea, giving birth, and constipation are some of the main causes of anal fissure. Generally, trauma or overstress to the anal canal is what causes anal fissures.

Latest studies show that there is a direct link between food hypersensitivity and anal fissure

Constipation is the condition wherein bowel movements are hard and seldom. Hard and dry stool is a typical indication if this.

There are several causes of constipation. These are classified as either congenital, primary, or secondary.

Congenital refers to those who already have this condition from birth. Primary is characterized by persistent symptoms for more than six months. It should not be caused by underlying medical conditions or side effects of medication.

Secondary causes involve the side effects of medication or obstruction of the bowels due to other medical conditions.

A certain study has found that chronic constipation, especially for children, can be due to food sensitivity. The study has proven the link between food hypersensitivity and anal fissure by having a group of its subjects undergo an elimination diet and the other a sham diet.

Elimination diet is an eating plan removing certain foods to find out their effects on a person. The sham diet, on the other hand, is like normal food consumption but food and drink are intentionally set to not be fully absorbed by the body.

The group that underwent the elimination-diet experienced a significantly higher healing rate from chronic anal fissure compared to the other group.