Does Ayurveda, homeopathy and meditation provide relief for anal fissures?

By | July 1, 2017

Yes, these alternative treatments can bring relief to a patient who has anal fissures. How exactly? Read on to find out.

Ayurveda is a traditional medical treatment system developed about 3,000 years ago. Those who practice Ayurveda believe that a person must have the correct balance in mind, body, and spirit – and to achieve this, one must have a proper diet, use a combination herbal treatments, and practice yoga or meditation. The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to promote overall health rather than to fight illnesses, although there are treatments underneath this method that are specifically done to do the latter.

For anal fissures, Ayurveda aims to remove the main cause of it which is constipation. This can be done by first carrying out diet and lifestyle modifications. Then, panchakarma treatments or purification methods, like Kshara karma and Avagada sweda, are employed to further aid in improving digestion and softening the stool.

This method provides relief to 80% of anal fissure patients. The duration and efficacy of the treatment depend on the extent of the fissure and the patient’s willingness to receive treatment.

On the other hand, homeopathy aims to promote the natural healing powers of the body. This is done through the use of herbal medications.

In the case of anal fissures, homeopathic doctors consider it just another tear or cut – the only difference is that it is found in the most compromising place of the body. As one would notice, tears and cuts usually heal on their own even without treatment, thanks to the body’s natural ability to heal. Homeopathic medicine’s role, then, is to boost the immune system and to reduce the symptoms that would further delay healing.

Homeopathy uses natural remedies that can be found at home, like graphite and nitric acid, in treating anal fissures. The choice is based on the condition of the fissure and the cause of the pain. Because the remedies are readily available, homeopathy is considered the cheapest treatment for this disease.

Meditation is another way to relieve the symptoms and pain brought by anal fissures. There are a lot of misconceptions and ambiguity circulating the word, but in this case, meditation or dhyana is the process of emptying the mind and going to the hidden stream of consciousness. This can never be done by someone whose mind is full of worries and distracting thoughts. The goal is to shift the mind from the outside state into its inner state. Experts say that meditation is like taking an “inner vacation”.

Meditation can help by boosting blood circulation throughout the body, even in the anal area. Blood carries oxygen which helps in tissue repair and maintenance, and consequently, facilitates healing in the anal tear. And because it focuses on the inward state of the mind and body, it can also aid in relieving constipation which is the root cause of fissures.

Ayurveda, homeopathy, and meditation are classified under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Nonetheless, healthcare professionals are required to explore and explain different treatment options for the benefit of their patients, and CAM is included among them. So, patients who would like to try these methods can consult their respective medical providers to better understand the pros and cons of each.