Do anal fissures smell bad? Can a rectal ulcer burst and itch?

By | July 1, 2017

Anal fissures surely cause discomforting symptoms. It causes pain in the anal area often triggered by a bowel movement. Patients often described the pain as sharp, searing or burning. Mild rectal bleeding can also occur. Typically, it is a small amount of bright red blood with fecal bits or on the toilet paper. In addition, some people ask: Do anal fissures smell bad? Can a rectal ulcer burst and itch? Unfortunately, they do. Anal fissures have all of these symptoms and it is important to understand how this occurs and how to deal with it.

One of the common symptoms associated with anal fissures is the foul odor. This smell may occur because of the pus discharge that may leak from the area. Pus is a thick, greenish or yellowish liquid that is formed in the site of inflammation. This consists buildup of dead white blood cells and bacteria (along with other debris). The pus itself can already make you feel uncomfortable; the added bad smell can affect the person’s confidence.

This can be a little better through proper hygiene. It is suggested to cleanse with a sitz bath after every bowel movement. Cleansing with topical disinfectant may be done, too. It is important not to rub the anal area with tissue; just pat it gently instead.

While you are being treated, or even after you are healed, you still need to ensure that your diet provides you enough fiber. Proper hygiene and an exercise regimen shall also be followed. These are in order to keep stools soft. Why do you need to do this? Even if you are already healed, an unexpected attack of constipation might make the anal fissure burst again. If you are worried about this happening again, it is suggested to consult your doctor.

Expect irritation and itchiness with the tear in your anal area. Anal fissures usually give this kind of feeling. This sensation may be irregular or persistent. In order to somehow prevent or lessen the occurrence of irritation and itchiness, always ensure proper hygiene. No matter how itchy it is, do not scratch it. It may not be easy but it’s important that you do not scratch it. This may only worsen your condition. Instead, clean the area with unscented soaps or use a topical, non-alcohol, non-drying disinfectant, and then pat gently with a soft cloth after cleansing. Avoid using tissue paper as this will cause more irritation. Keeping it clean will speed up the healing process.

If this did not work and you still have a lot of itching, you may consider trying anti histamine. The itchiness may be coming from allergic reaction to something. If it still did not work, it is best to consult your doctor.

So, again, do anal fissures smell bad? Can a rectal ulcer burst and itch? Yes, they definitely do. However, do not let this bring your confidence down. Remember that proper hygiene and care may at least help you make it less worse. Whatever the cause of your anal fissure can be, it is important to take note of always keeping yourself clean and having plenty of fiber intake.