Does auriculotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure provide relief for anal fissures?

By | July 1, 2017

The use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been the subject of many discussions regarding anal fissures treatment. Many people turn to alternative methods to alleviate intense and chronic pains due to anal fissures.

Does auriculotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure provide relief for anal fissures? To find the answer, it is essential to look at this traditional healing practice one by one.

  • Auriculotherapy (Ear acupuncture)

It operates on the belief that ear’s auricle serves as mini-operating system of the entire body. Ancient doctors believed that all bodily functions and structures are mapped out in this outer part of the human ear. Any physical, emotional and mental disorder can be treated by stimulating a specific area of the auricle. Acupuncture uses needles, electrical stimulation or massage techniques to remove blockages in the affected part and restore the normal flow of “chi” (life energy).

Auriculotherapy can immediately relieve severe pains due to anal fissures. It allows natural healing of the anus and prevents painkiller dependency. Side effects are tiredness and a mild pain in the ear.

  • Acupuncture

This alternative healing method is a popular choice among people suffering from anal fissures. Acupuncture uses specialized thin needles to stimulate specific points which correspond to internal organs of the body. Basically, it is used to alleviate pains of all kinds. Chinese believes that by inserting needles to certain points of the “meridians” or pathways, the energy flow becomes normal and promotes general health. It stimulates good blood circulation in the entire body system.

Anal fissures are mostly caused by prolonged case of diarrhea or chronic constipation. These conditions are results of unhealthy diet or abnormal blood circulation. Acupuncture’s ability to correct blood flow makes it a perfect alternative cure to treat anal fissures.

However, it is important to find registered and legitimate acupuncturist who can efficiently administer this technique. Acupuncture session to cure anal fissure can last from 1-2 hours. After session, patients are given Chinese herb medicines to facilitate healing.

  • Acupressure Therapy

It is known as needleless acupuncture. Instead of using needles, controlled and rhythmic hand pressures are applied to acupuncture points for about 1-2 minutes. Acupressure can effectively balance the flow of energy. It restores harmonious energy vibrations in the body which promote healing. It relieves various types of pains including anal fissures.

For self-healing, here are some of the acupressure points which you can stimulate to relieve symptoms, discomfort or pains in the anus:

  • Behind outer anklebone.
  • Outside the foot, near the rear of the last knuckle bone of smallest toe.
  • One thumb wide and two palms wide above your outer ankle bone.
  • At the back in line with your elbows (about 2 thumbs wide from either side of your spine).

To stimulate these areas, apply gentle but deep, probing pressure using your knuckle or fingertip. You can also use soft-pointed objects like pencil eraser.

  • At the beginning of inner side wrist when your thumb is bent towards the opposite palm side. Use finger when putting pressure on this hand point.

Does auriculotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure provide relief for anal fissures? Well, many can attest to the effectiveness of these alternative treatments.