Do yoga poses provide relief for anal fissures?

By | July 1, 2017

Do yoga poses provide relief for anal fissures? The answer is yes. Yoga poses (asanas) promote healing by stimulating better blood circulation in the digestive system. It tones internal organs and make them more efficient.  It helps in the elimination of toxins in the body and restores balance. The strains and stretches of yoga poses liberate the body from acute pains caused by anal fissures.

Here are the most effective yoga poses that can help you relieve anal fissures discomfort:

  • Trikonasana (Triangle Stretch)

It promotes good bowel movement and healthy digestion. It also relieves acidity, flatulence and gastritis.

Stand straight with feet a meter apart. Slowly turn your right food completely to the outside while your left foot is in 45 degrees position inward. Make sure that your heels are aligned with hips. Spread your arms to the sides, palms faced downward and parallel to the ground. You are doing a zero position.

Next, bend to your right side. Stretch until your right palm touches the ground behind your right leg. Keep your left hand straight and in perpendicular to the ground. Hold this position for 10 seconds then return to zero position. Repeat on the left side. Do five cycles every day.

  • Pavana Muktasana (Wind Release Posture)

It strengthens abdominal muscles and makes stomach, spleen, liver and pancreas healthier. People with constipation and flatulence issues will benefit from this yoga pose. Be sure to drink a glass of warm water first before practicing this pose to ensure ease of bowel movement.

Start by keeping your hands beside the body while in supine position. Inhale and continue inhaling while raising your two legs in 90 degrees and then bend them in your knees. Lock the position with your fingers around just below the knees.

Exhale and continue exhaling while bringing your thighs near your chest. Stay in this posture for few seconds. Then slowly return to your supine position. Repeat 3-4 times.

  • Ustrasana (Kneeling Back Stretch)

This yoga pose stretches abdominal organs and relieves constipation problem. Regular practice of Ustrasana alleviates anal fissures pains.

It involves bending backwards while touching the feet with both hands, standing on the knees and kneeling down.

  • Vajrasana

Place the soles of the feet on both sides of your anus, your calves touching the thighs. Make sure that your toe up to the knee touches the ground. Put the weight of your body in the knees and ankles.

Next, put both hands straight on your knees. Keep your knees close together. Your trunk, head and neck should be in one line position. Stay for few seconds.

  • Halasana

The stretches of this asana pose can curb acid reflux, indigestion and constipation. They also keep the spine and back muscles strong.

Lie in your back. Inhale. Lift your trunk and legs in 30 degrees, then 60 degrees and 90 degrees. After a while, move your legs at the back of your head or in 120 degrees position while exhaling.

Rest your toes for few seconds and relax while holding this position. Keep your hands flat on the ground with palms touching it. When doing this pose, make sure that your legs are always in 30 degrees from the floor.

Reverse the movements to return in the original position.

So the next time somebody asks you –Do yoga poses provide relief for anal fissures? Say yes and recommend these effective yoga exercises to treat your anal fissures.