How long anal fissures last? The duration of rectal ulcers!

By | July 1, 2017

Have you been unknowingly suffering from anal fissures? Have you been wondering how long the pain may last? Well below is all the information you require to know.

Anal fissures refer to a tear that develops in the anal canal lining. Markedly, an anal canal lining refers to the large intestine’s last section. Furthermore, the anal canal is flanked by the rectum, which is the section that stores stool, and the anus, which is an opening at the bottom where stools pass through.

The symptoms of tearing include feeling a sharp pain at the time one is a passing stool, which is accompanied by a strong burning pain lasting for as long as six hours. Additionally, a person suffering from tearing may experience bleeding when passing stool. Mostly, the symptoms of tear last for six weeks. However, in the case of chronic tearing the symptoms may occur longer. In addition, there is a likelihood of the tear recurring if it initially originated from constipation but is untreated.

In order to influence the tear to heal faster, it is important to exercise simple measures that help in easing the process of passing stool. Notably, taking simple measures helps in healing existing tear and preventing later development of new tear. Among the measures include taking a lot of fiber in a day’s diet. Fiber is found largely in fruits along with vegetables. Moreover, one should always stay hydrated through drinking fluids. One should also engage in regular exercise.

Markedly, anal fissures may result in rectal ulcers. Rectal ulcers refer to the erythema, which is the rectal wall’s red section. Furthermore, the ulcers may also refer to sections of the rectal wall having open sores or ulceration. Erythema and ulceration lead to painful bleeding when passing stool. Mostly, the ulcers occur when an individual is suffering from chronic constipation. Thus, symptoms of the ulcers include constipating, bleeding in the rectum, straining to move bowels, pain in the pelvis, fecal incontinence and rectal pain.

Notably, rectal ulcers last between six weeks and six months. However, in extreme cases, the ulcers may extend to more than six months. Therefore, a number of medication procedures are recommended for treatment of the ulcers. Among the treatments is the use of topical steroids. Furthermore, a person suffering from the ulcers may use sulfasalazine enemas or Botox which is also known as botulinum toxin in reducing the symptoms of the ulcers. However, it is important to note that the treatments may not be applicable to everyone who is suffering from the ulcers. In addition, some of the treatments are considered as experimental, thus have no guarantee of producing positive results.

Therefore, if you have been experiencing tearing along the anal canal lining it is important to seek medical attention before the situation worsens. Notably, when tearing is persistent medical specialists may recommend a surgery. Thus, to avoid getting to the point of surgery it is significant to take preventive measures as discussed above such as taking fluids, high fiber diets and regularly exercising.