The differences between anal fissures, colon cancer, warts, moles and skin tags

By | July 1, 2017

There are many conditions like anal fissure, colon cancer, warts, moles and skin tags that are unfamiliar to many people and lack of information in this area can lead to more difficulties adding up to other than having one of it, personally.

Anal fissures are lesions or cuts near the lower part of the rectum known as the anus. This is mostly caused by trauma or injury in the inner sphincter or muscular ring of the anus from constipation, passing a hard, dry stool and/or diarrhea. Its symptoms include feeling a stinging, burning pain during and after bowel movement, and bleeding and itching in or near the anal section. It is diagnosed through these symptoms and through a physical inspection by a licensed doctor. It is known as an acute anal fissure if it is recent and takes only a few days or weeks to heal but it is called a chronic anal fissure if it is persistent and takes more than 8-12 weeks of healing.

Anal fissures aren’t the only ones with which symptoms include causing the appearance of blood on a stool. Another condition with the same symptom is a polyp. A polyp is an abnormal cell growth in the large intestine or rectum. It starts off as benignant but once this tumor grows, it then becomes malignant; in this case, we call it colon cancer. Colon cancer happens when incontrollable cell growth occurs in the intestines and causes the invasion and damage of healthy tissue near the tumor.

It is important to know that colon and rectal cancer are slightly different from each other since rectal cancer occurs when tumors are found in the rectum, the last inches of an intestine. However, both tend to occur together and we call this colorectal cancer. Although it has the same symptoms as anal fissures, colon cancer is a tumor while an anal fissure is a lesion in and near the anus. Colon cancer can be determined by a doctor through colonoscopy, and barium enema or colon X-ray.

Another growth that we can find on the body are warts. Warts are skin growths caused by HPV or human papillomavirus. This virus affects the top layer of our skin, gaining access through broken skin. Warts are spread through direct contact with HPV. It is superficial, like a mole. A mole however is of a darker pigment and can be, in some cases, malignant but usually are benign. Most people notice moles on their body for as early as their childhood years. Some of it disappear through time, some don’t change at all while others do.

Skin tags, on the other hand, are benignant swollen skin that form anywhere in the body. It is usual for skin tags to build up near anal fissures, too. But, unlike anal fissures, they are typically painless. This does not however stop them from being irritating and causing discomfort especially when friction occurs. Skin tags can be surgically removed and this doesn’t cause more to grow in its place.