How to maintain a good anal hygiene and sit down when dealing with anal fissures

By | July 1, 2017

Anal fissures are tears, cuts and ulcers found in the anus and anal area. They are usually brought about by constipation and other similar bowel conditions. This is usually characterized by itching, pain and bleeding around the anal and rectal area.

Aside from constipation, it is usually caused by persistent diarrhea, excessive strain during childbirth, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, cancer, tight anal sphincter and sexually transmitted diseases like herpes and syphilis.

How to maintain good anal hygiene

Anal fissures usually heal on its own after a couple of weeks. Simple treatments such as painkillers, laxatives and stool softeners could do the trick. However, maintaining a good anal hygiene during such a period may be a bit troublesome due to the pain, constant itching and bleeding of the inflamed area. Good anal hygiene is essential for speedy recovery.

The following are some tips on how to maintain good anal hygiene and sit down when dealing with anal fissures:

  1. Wipe with care

Most people rub forcefully when cleaning their back areas. This can irritate and worsen the inflammation of the rectal area. Also avoid using toilet paper. It is preferable to use softer materials such as baby wipes.

  1. Avoid irritants

Avoid using strong substances to clean the area as this may only irritate and aggravate the condition. Do not use scented soaps or bubble baths. Use mild soap instead.

  1. Just go

Do not hold or force down your urge to go. When you need to go, just go. Holding your bowel movements exerts pressure on the rectal area. It forces your anal sphincters to tighten thereby aggravating the condition.

  1. Always dry

Keep the area always dry. Use a soft clean towel to pat dry the rectal area. Bacteria and other microbes thrive in moist areas. It is therefore essential to keep the inflamed area dry to avoid such situation.

  1. Warm Water

When taking a bath, use warm water. It is also good to clean your rectal area with warm water after a long day. Make sure to dry the area well after this.

Remember to use warm water and not hot water. Extremely hot water can further irritate and worsen the inflammation.

  1. Change your underwear

As aforementioned, it is important to keep the inflamed area clean always. Change your underwear at least twice a day or as deemed necessary.

Experts also recommend using cotton or other clothing with soft and breathable material. Avoid clothing wherein you easily perspire in. Remember that, as mentioned above, moistness around the inflamed area could further aggravate the condition.

  1. Use pain medication

As earlier mentioned, one of the main symptoms of anal fissures is the sharp pain around the rectal area. Painkillers would do wonders to address this symptom. Doctors usually prescribe paracetamol and iburprofen.

  1. Hydrate

Always stay hydrated. Drink lots of water and stay away from caffeine or alcohol. Too much caffeine and alcohol in the system can lead to dehydration.

  1. Use laxatives

Laxatives promote bowel movement and soften stools. Aside from using laxatives, eat food rich in fiber.Oat bran, wheat, whole grains, vegetables and citrus fruits are fiber-rich food. Softer stools pass easily through the anal and rectal area.

Anal hygiene plays a big role in the treatment of this disease. The aforementioned tips are just tips on how to maintain a good anal hygiene and sit down when dealing with anal fissures. It is advisable to seek the help of a doctor of you experience any trouble with anal fissures.