Will a sitz bath (hip bath) with Epsom salt do wonders for anal fissure treatment?

By | July 1, 2017

Anal fissures are caused by a tear in the anal lining that extends to the rectum. If the anal fissure has been recurring for more than six months, it usually produces a skin tag on the rectum which is medically called a sentinel pile. This skin tag indicates chronic anal fissures.

Anal fissures are commonly caused by a trauma to the anal lining or the anoderm. Pain upon defecation is the first symptom experienced by the patient. For chronic patients, pain is followed by itching, bleeding from the anus and malodorous discharges. Anal fissures are determined through a gentle rectal exam made by a physician or a colon and rectal surgeon.

Anal fissures are treated in various ways. There are home remedies, medication therapy, herbal therapy and surgical intervention available for the patients to choose from.

Home remedies include:

  • Adding bulk to the stool by consuming a high-fiber diet
  • Softening the stool by drinking mineral oil or more water
  • Avoiding foods that are hard to digest like nuts, popcorn or tortilla chips
  • Hot Sitz bath with Epsom salt will do wonders for anal fissure Epsom salt will reduce the inflammation, prevent artery hardening and improve muscle and nerve function. The magnesium in Epsom salt can be easily absorbed cutaneously hence helping the sphincter muscles to relax. The sulfate improves absorption of nutrients and flushes the toxins. Using Epsom salts is commonly done after the surgical intervention for anal fissures because it relieves the bruising and swelling after the surgery. Furthermore, Epsom salt is also an ideal medication for constipation when taken internally because it acts as a detoxifying agent for colon cleansing. The salt also acts like a laxative.

How to prepare a hot sitz bath with Epsom salt?

  1. Fill the tub with only one to two inches of hot water.
  2. Stir in two pounds of Epsom salts. Dissolve completely.
  3. Sit in this bath for approximately half an hour. Do this every day. The salts soothe, kill some germs, and relax the muscles.

Pharmaceutical Therapy include:

  • Anesthetic ointments are used to relieve pain. Apply it using a cotton-tipped swab.
  • Steroids to reduce the inflammation. These type of medications are for limited use only for two weeks because prolonged use may cause thinning of the anoderm.
  • Nitroglycerin ointment, Glycerin trinitrate, a muscle relaxant to the internal anal sphincter decreases the anal resting pressure increasing the blood flow to the anoderm. A good circulation promotes faster healing of the fissure.
  • Topical ointments with calcium channel blockers relax the internal sphincter muscles and increase blood flow to the vessels in the anoderm.
  • Botulinum toxin or botox injection to the anal fissure is used to prevent muscle spasm in the anal canal.

Herbal Solutions include:

  • Neo Healer
  • Ginko Fort

The presence of ginkolides and flavonoids in the herbs is thought to inhibit aggregated platelets or the clumping of the blood. This will promote adequate blood flow to the fissure. Most anal fissures heal with home remedies after a few days or weeks.

Surgical Intervention:

  • Visiting a colorectal surgeon is reserved for patients where other methods of treatment does not cure. Usually the surgeon will perform a partial lateral internal sphincterotomy.