What is a fissurectomy and how is it performed?

By | July 1, 2017

An anal fissure is a cut in the skin of the anus or the anal canal. One common symptom of this condition is that, pain is felt when passing a stool. You will also notice blood on your toilet paper or in the stool itself. Other symptoms include itchiness and the presence of a smelly, yellowish discharge that is quite similar to bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common condition that also causes a foul odor. This condition can happen to anyone.

Anal fissures can occur due to constipation. If one is having a difficult time passing a stool, it may cause damage to the canal. A person can also get a fissure if he has an inflammatory bowel disease  (e.g. Crohn’s disease). Another cause of fissure is childbirth due to pushing. Even diarrhea and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes and syphilis are seen as possible causes of anal fissures.

This condition can be treated in various ways. Most of the time, you can cure a fissure on your own using over-the-counter stool softeners, creams, ointments and even popular home remedies such as apple cider vinegar and aloe vera. A fissure usually heals within a couple of weeks. Having a healthy, fiber-rich diet and exercising regularly can also contribute in curing the fissure quickly. It is also recommended to avoid straining too much during bowel movements to ensure the healing of the fissure.

Researchers around the world are still studying the effects of weed. Right now, we cannot tell if it can cause or cure a fissure but to be safe, it is recommended to quit smoking weed if you do. It might have an effect on the healing of your fissure. There’s a possibility that it can do more harm than good.

As for Anal fissures, they have two types—-chronic and acute. Acute ones don’t last up to 6 weeks while the chronic ones can be present for more than 6 weeks.  Whether acute or chronic, it is important to monitor your condition because a fissure can get worse if not treated properly. It can get deeper and cause an ulcer.

If the nonsurgical methods didn’t work to cure your fissure, that’s time that you’ll be needing a surgical operation. Fissurectomy is an example of a procedure that can be done to treat a fissure. It usually lasts for 40 minutes and usually performed on children in treating their ruptures. In this surgical procedure, the fissure, its edges and skin tags are removed. There are times wherein Botox injections are also given to reduce pain and spasms. The injections, which can be expensive, are used to patients in order to relax the anal sphincter.

A surgical procedure like the one mentioned can definitely solve a fissure problem in the long run. However, there are times wherein certain complications or side effects will occur. In some cases, there are surgeries that don’t heal properly and people experiencing bowel incontinence. If ever these things happen after your fissurectomy, go to your doctor and follow his advice to avoid future health problems from occurring.