Are anal fissure and other rectal diseases related?

By | July 1, 2017

Anal fissures are ruptures or cuts found in the lining of the anus or anal canal. You can tell one has a fissure if he is experiencing severe pain during and after bowel movements. Aside from pain, other symptoms of this condition include itching of the anus and bleeding.

A person can get a fissure if one is experiencing diarrhea. Aside from diarrhea, constipation can also cause a cut that’s why experts recommend people to have a high fiber diet to soften hard stools. Another common cause of anal tear is childbirth and it usually happens when a woman strains in order for the baby to come out. A previous rectal surgery is also a contributing factor to this condition.

A fissure can be acute or chronic. It is considered acute if it’s being experienced for less than 6 weeks. A chronic fissure, on the other hand, is a type of fissure that is present for 6 weeks or more.

This particular condition doesn’t really require surgery. It can be treated by means of changing one’s diet and taking stool softeners. Certain ointments can also be applied to help a cut heal fast. There’s a possibility that a fissure may require surgery if the medicines prescribed by the doctor failed to cure it.

Studies are still ongoing on whether weed can really cause or heal these cuts. But to be on the safe side, it is recommended to quit smoking weed at the moment to ensure that you won’t be experiencing problems.

This condition is also related to some chronic diseases. Crohn’s disease, a type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting the intestines is another known cause of anal fissure. This disease usually affects the small intestine and causes ulcers. A person with Crohn’s disease may also experience symptoms like bleeding and diarrhea.

These skin cracks are also related to hemorrhoids as they are both anal and rectal-related conditions. Sometimes, they are being mistaken as the latter due to similar symptoms such as bleeding and itching. The difference is, Anal fissures affect the lining while Hemorrhoids are considered as swollen veins in the anus or the rectum.

It is believed that anal fissure doesn’t really cause cancer but some experts consider anal cancers and tumors as the less common causes of this condition.

These cuts are also being linked to sexually transmitted infections. Anal intercourse is seen by some experts as a contributing factor to increase the risk of having these skin cracks and even infection. It is believed that women can also get bacterial vaginosis, a vaginal infection that is related to the imbalance of bacteria. Symptoms include irritation of the vagina, smelly vaginal discharge and itching.

Anal fissure is not really life-threatening but there’s a possibility for recurrence. If one has experienced this before, there’s an increased risk of getting one in the future.

To prevent anal and rectal-related health problems like this, it is advised to practice safe sex by using condoms, refrain from drinking alcohol and exercise regularly. One must not also strain during bowel movements to prevent further tears and lastly, a regular visit to the doctor.