Best sports and exercises for anal fissure relief

By | July 1, 2017

The main culprit of anal fissures is the improper functioning of the digestive tract which brings about conditions like constipation. Many factors contribute to the health of this body system, one of which is exercise. Sports and exercises not only contribute to the overall health of the body but also help in its healing process. Pain suffered from fissures may be a hindrance to performing some activities, but there are light to moderate exercises that can be done. Heavy exercises like biking and weight lifting are not advisable. Here are some of the activities that specifically helps in anal fissure relief:

Aerobic Exercises

Light to moderate aerobic exercises such as walking promotes good blood circulation. A good blood flow which delivers oxygenated blood containing antibodies to the anal muscles will help the wound heal faster. Walking is also an activity that promotes regular bowel movements that eases defecation by reducing hard stool.  Regularly walking at day and at night for around 30 minutes at a steady, moderate pace is advisable to help in anal fissure relief.


Yoga consists of poses, and exercises that promote health and relaxation of the body, mind, and spirit. Some of these specially helps in the relief of anal fissures.

Breathing exercises in yoga encourage relaxation of the body including the anal muscles. Getting the body to relax helps make bowel movement easier. Doing this requires lying flat on the ground or on a mat and putting the hands on the side. After which, the person must breathe in and breathe out slowly for 20 to 30 times. This must be done twice a day.

Yoga also has stretches that help with anal fissure relief. Triangle stretch is done by standing with the feet apart and reaching the ground with the arm one side at a time like a triangle. This helps good digestion and bowel movement. Kneeling back stretch is done by kneeling down while bending the back to reach the feet with two hands. It eases constipation and promotes organ efficiency.

Bath Exercise

The bath exercise requires a bath tub, or any tub the person can fit in, filled with warm water. While the anus is submerged in the water, the sphincter muscles must be contracted and relaxed every three minutes. Contracting the muscles is done by trying to prevent a stool from coming out while relaxing is the opposite. This session must be done three times a day. This exercise increases blood flow to the anal area which is needed for wound healing.


If there is no time for sports and exercise, household chores can be done to help relieve anal fissures. Moderate-intensity exercises or activities that make use of the body from the waist and below helps with good digestion. Examples would be vacuuming, mowing the lawn and the like.

These sports and exercises specifically help with anal fissure relief, but not only that. They also promote good bodily functions and overall health. Having an anal fissure is no excuse for inactivity. It is in fact, the opposite as exercise helps with its treatment.