Best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people

By | July 1, 2017

Debunking 4 Myths About Anal Fissures

One of the most important parts in find out the best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people is to learn what anal fissures truly are. Since it is one of the more neglected medical conditions out there, there have been many misconceptions about anal fissures that can prevent proper treatment. Below are some of the more prevalent myths that have been debunked throughout the years.

Myth #1: Constipation Causes Fissures

The passage of large and hard stools can lead to anal fissures but they are not exactly the direct cause. Instead, stress on the sphincter as well as the lining that surrounds the anus are the primary culprits. Like every muscle in the body, the one found at the anus has a breaking point and constipation can put considerable strain in it.

Aside from constipation, stress can also be inflicted on the sphincter and muscles through accidents, the insertion of large foreign bodies, and even sharp objects found in the stool like bone fragments.

Myth #2: Only Adults can Get It

The truth of the matter is that anal fissures do not pick a certain age to form in the anal area. There are countless cases out there of anal fissures forming in younger adults, teenagers, and even children.

It is even more problematic as the patient is younger as most children still have not developed a threshold to pain and other uncomfortable sensations as older people. Also, there is the factor of unrefined hygienic practices which puts children at higher risk of acquiring infections from their fissures.

Myth #3: It can be Treated Only Through Surgery

Direct medical intervention might be one of the best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people but it has not to reach at that point. A fissure by nature is a wound and like a wound it can be closed through non-surgical means. Unless the fissure itself is chronic in nature, it should actually close up within a week or two.

Treating the constipation and anal stress itself can help in preventing the wound from growing while the application of ointments can help it heal. There are also some products that can numb the pain and prevent infections which can speed up the healing process. Basically, a fissure can fix itself provided that you adopt the necessary measures.

Myth #4: It Causes Cancer

There is a difference between anal abnormalities caused by stress and one caused by cancer. You have to remember that cancer is caused by genetic abnormalities and the presence of a festering anal wound is not enough to trigger it in most cases.

When attempting to help a fissure heal, one must first establish their medical history through a medical professional. If cancer is not a recurring factor in the family, then the best ways to heal anal fissures in inactive adults and old people should be effective enough in dealing with the problem. It is even recommend that you use these treatments in tandem so that the fissure will close itself in the soonest possible time.