Best ways to heal anal fissures in boy and girl teens

By | July 1, 2017

Having an anal fissure is an uncomfortable experience. The pain can limit the way you sit and defecate while the risk of infection can impede on the wound’s ability to heal and close. Fortunately, it is not one of the most difficult conditions to treat and there are multiple best ways to heal anal fissures in boy and girl teens. Here are some of them:

Fiber Diet

A stop-gap measure to prevent any fissure from worsening is to treat what causes it in the first place. Most anal fissures are formed when a person passes a hard and large stool through the anus. This, in turn, usually occurs when the person is suffering from some form of constipation.

Since constipation is caused by the food that one eats, then it can be stopped by changing the diet. Increasing the fiber content in one’s food can cause the stool to soften and even gain a fluid-like texture. With the stool softer and smaller, the strain it inflicts when it passes through the anus is too minimal to even cause a fissure. There are fiber-centric supplements available in the market right now but eating food like whole wheat bread, prunes, bananas, and cereals are doubly effective.


Laxatives are considered one of the best ways to heal anal fissures in boy and girl teens since they function the same way fiber does. Basically, laxatives can help soften stools which is important in preventing strain on the anal muscles and the wound from growing bigger. The laxative also has a lubricating property in which it causes the stool to gain a slippery texture which helps it pass through the anus easier.

However, the problem with using laxatives is that it unnaturally forces the body to expel its stored food, processed or not. Using it too much can induce a diarrhea which is difficult to control and can occur in the most inopportune of moments. As such, it would be a good idea to consult with a medical professional first before adding laxatives into your drink.

Topical Ointments

Once the constipation has been dealt with, one can then move on to dealing with the wound itself. Applying ointments in the affected area can help it heal quickly in a number of ways while also dealing with other symptoms. Ointments that contain agents like lidocaine can numb the nerves which should relieve pain the affected area to make the passing of stool more bearable.

However, one of the best ways to heal anal fissures in boy and girl teens is those ointments that contain xyloproct. These products can relieve pain while also acting as an antiseptic agent to the wound to prevent infections. With constant application, the fissure should heal itself and the wound will close within a few weeks.

As with every other treatment out there, these methods are most effective when used in tandem with each other as well as various treatment methods. It would also be recommended that you consult with a medical professional first to get the best results from these treatments.